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2 July 2004

International Action Programme for renewable energies comprises 200 measures

The reactions to the German government's appeal for contributions to the International Action Programme (IAP) for renewable energy exceed all expectations: Many governments, international organisations, financial institutions, companies, associations and non-governmental organisations responded to the call, thus confirming their willingness to promote renewable energies in the coming years with actions and voluntary commitments.

The Action Programme now contains about 200 contributions from all over the world. It is one of the key outcomes of the International Conference for Renewable Energies - renewables 2004 - which took place in Bonn in June . A list of all the actions and the full International Action Programme is now ready for download at

9 June 2004

renewables 2004 completed successfully

1. Outcomes of renewables 2004 adopted
2. Speeches and presentations available online
3. Look at the photo gallery of renewables 2004
4. Complete reports and more pictures at the IISD web page

1. From 1-4 June 2004 more than 1400 delegates from 154 countries, including 121 heads of states an ministers, attended the intergovernmental conference �renewables 2004�.

At the conclusion of the International Conference for Renewable Energies in Bonn, Federal Environment Minister J�rgen Trittin and Federal Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul see positive results. "The conference was a complete success," they declared on Friday, 4 June. "Together the delegates have paved the way for a global transformation in energy structures and for a massive increase in the use of renewable energies. This will alleviate global poverty and protect the climate."

The outcomes of the conference, including the proposed 11th paragraph of the Political Declaration and updated Policy Recommmendations, are:

The Political Declaration of renewables 2004.
The declaration contains definitions of common political objectives for promoting the role of renewable energies.

In the International Action Programme, governments, international organisations and stakeholders have committed to a plethora of activities that are geared towards the increased use of renewable energies. So far, 165 of the proposals for voluntary measures have been endorsed while many further submissions for action are being screened at present.


The Policy Recommendations give practical advice on how to promote the development of the market for renewable energies in the North and in the South.


2. Many speeches and presentations held at the plenary sessions, including the key note of Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, are available as video streams and pdf files:


3. Pictures of the conference are shown in our photo gallery:
31 May: /conference_gallery/20040531_1.asp 
1 June: /conference_gallery/20040601_1.asp 
2 June: /conference_gallery/20040602_1.asp 
3 June: /conference_gallery/20040603_1.asp 

4. IISD was the correspondent of renewables 2004. All reports of the plenary sessions, round tables, the closing session, and reports from many side events are published on the IISD web site, including numerous photos of the events. 


31 May 2004

1. renewables 2004 - starting tomorrow

2. Live from the conference: Chat with Dr Angelika Zahrnt

3. Up-to-date media review on the Web

1. renewables 2004 - starting tomorrow

The International Conference for Renewable Energies is generating enormous response from all over the world. On the invitation of the Federal Government, representatives of governments, international organisations, enterprises and NGOs will meet in Bonn to discuss how to bring about an increased use of renewable energies in industrialised and developing countries. To date around 1,200 delegates and 1,100 observers have announced their participation in renewables 2004. Alongside the intergovernmental conference, the German Bundestag has decided to hold an International Parliamentary Forum on 2 June. Some 350 international parliamentarians will take the opportunity to participate in the conference as well. More than 700 national and international media representatives have received accreditation for the conference.

2. Live from the conference: Chat with Dr Angelika Zahrnt
Take part in the debate with Dr Angelika Zahrnt, Chairwoman of the BUND (German branch of Friends of the Earth) and member of the Council for Sustainable Development, on the recommendations of the Council to the Federal Government.
Tuesday, 1 June 2004
between 6 and 7 pm (German only)
More information:,11727/Dr.-Angelika-Zahrnt.htm

3. Up-to-date media review on the Web

renewables 2004 is triggering lively media interest even before it has started.

Go to /en/inthepress/default.asp (English) or
/de/inthepress/default.asp (German)

to access the media review, which is continually being updated.

29 May 2004

1.First Draft of the International Action Programme now online - Increasing number of contributions
2.Policy Recommendations Paper now available for download

1.First Draft of the International Action Programme now online - Increasing number of contributions

The first draft of the International Action Programme (IAP), which forms an important part of the expected outcomes of renewables 2004, is now available for download. It includes concrete actions and commitments for developing renewable energies which are put forward by various governments, international organisations and stakeholders from civil society, the private sector and other stakeholder groups. Conference participants are invited to contribute to the IAP with voluntary commitments to goals, targets and actions within their own spheres of responsibility.
Download the first draft of the IAP at:

The "Call for Actions and Commitments" to be included in the IAP has been answered by participants worldwide. Numerous governments, international organisations, private enterprises, associations, non-governmental organisations, among others, have impressively manifested their willingness to promote renewable energies by means of voluntary actions and commitments. At present, more than 40 proposals from all over the globe have been received. Many more are still in preparation and will be presented to the world public during the conference. The success of the Call is reason enough to extend the deadline for submission of concrete actions and commitments. Proposals for the IAP can be submitted until June 3rd, 2004, 12:00 a.m.
In addition, the Conference Secretariat staff members will be pleased to receive proposals at the "IAP-Desk" at the renewables 2004 conference.

2.Policy Recommendations Paper now available for download

Also now available for download is the draft of the document "Policy Recommendations for Renewable Energies". This paper is presented to the International Conference for Renewable Energies for consideration and discussion at the Ministerial Roundtables, the plenary sessions, and the multi-stakeholder dialogue. The conference is invited to endorse the document, taking into account modifications that may emerge from deliberations at the conference.
The document is based on the current understandings on policies and decision-making designed to promote renewable energies. It is based on experiences and lessons learnt from policies, programmes, projects and other initiatives in the public and private sectors worldwide. The diversity of challenges, resource opportunities, as well as financing and market conditions among and within regions and countries implies that a pluralistic approach is required. Thus, the recommendations provide decision-makers with a menu of policy options based on available experience and knowledge.
The document has been prepared by a drafting team coordinated by the conference secretariat, and guided by the convenors of the conference.
Downlaod the Policy Recommendations at:

28 May 2004

Deadline for excursions ends now!

The deadline for excursions offered by the German Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Lower Saxony and Hesse in the context of renewables 2004 ends today, 28 May. Conference participants are cordially invited to join the excursions, which are related to successful projects and initiatives.

A broad range of topics concerning all forms of renewable energies are covered. Participants will visit various sites where green energy is generated, from visits to wind farms and solar cell housing projects to hydro-electric power dams and wood pellet heating plants.

Please note that excursions can only be offered to a limited number of participants; the programme is subject to alterations. For detailed information on all excursions, please visit To register for the excursions, please contact [email protected].

27 May 2004

Between 1 and 4 June 2004 Germany will be hosting the International Conference for Renewable Energies. Over 1,500 international decision-makers from the fields of energy, environment, development and planning will debate the core challenges on the way to sustainable development, including the supply of energy to the poor and conservation of the global climate. Outside the International Congress Centre Bundeshaus Bonn (IKBB), where the plenary sessions will take place, a number of outdoor installations and exhibitions will bring the subject of renewable energies to life:

Caf� Solar
Between 31 May and 4 June Caf� Solar will be offering coffee, refreshments and snacks to delegates. The caf� is located opposite the main doors of the conference centre. Its roof and fa�ade consists of solar cells and collectors that supply 100% of the energy the caf� requires. Caf� Solar was developed by the Bundesverband Solarindustrie (BSi) and the Unternehmensvereinigung Solarwirtschaft (UVS), the industry associations of Germany's solar industry. The project is funded by sponsors. It also offers a venue that can be used for interviews, panel discussions or other events.

Wind energy turbine
A model of the worldwide most frequently installed wind energy turbine in this output class, the ENERCON E-40 gondola (E-40, nacelle and blade) will be exhibited from 1 to 4 June outside the conference centre. All key components including the rotor blades, ring generator and grid feeding system are developed and manufactured by ENERCON itself. For more information, go to

Solar obelisk
A five-metre solar obelisk will be erected outside the IKBB. It consists of several semi-transparent thin-film solar modules by Sharp. The solar obelisk was developed and constructed by Solar Lifestyle GmbH in cooperation with K-Projects Kulturmanagement, Craftsmen Design and architect Ingo Schneider. The integrated sound installations were developed by Markus Gronostay. We acknowledge the kind support of the project by Sharp Electronics Europe GmbH.

Improved stoves
In front of IKBB a few steps from the conference's main entrance there will be a live demonstration of improved stoves and a solar cooker during the entire conference. The joint exhibition by the government of Eritrea and the Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH (German technical cooperation) will display the prize-winning Eritrean bio cooker, an improved stove as disseminated in Southern Africa by ProBEC and a parabolic Solar Cooker. Tea and Eritrean snacks will be available as refreshments.

Natural gas powered vehicles
Near the conference building the energy service provider avacon AG will be displaying four vehicles that are powered by environmentally friendly fuel. In March the business association, which consists of 21 German and international natural gas and mineral oil companies and five auto manufacturers, was appointed Mobility Provider to renewables 2004 by the Federal Government. Approximately 40 gas-powered passenger cars and coaches will be available.

27 May 2004

Position Papers of Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue published now

Members of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue's International Advisory Group have now published various Position Papers on different aspects of renewable energies. They are a brief summary to an agreed template setting out principal views and recommendations. The authors of the Position Papers represent the various stakeholder groups Actors in Development & Poverty Alleviation, Business and Industry, Consumers, Farmers, Finance, Local Authorities, NGOs, Regional Authorities, Renewable Energy Manufacturers and Suppliers, Scientific and Technological Community, Trade Unions, Women. In order to download the Position Papers as well as to get the author's names and contact details, please go to

For gathering information and views on stakeholder acitivities in renewable energy and their aspirations for the conference, Stakeholder Forum has posted an online survey. The information will be used to produce a snapshot of stakeholder views in the form of rich qualitative and quantitative data. Have your say at: 

At the International Conference for Renewable Energies, the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) is the principal means of integrated stakeholder participation. Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future carries out the overall preparation and coordination of the MSD.

25 May 2004

Call for Actions and Commitments: Deadline for submission extended

The "Call for Actions and Commitments" of the German Government to be included in the International Action Programme (IAP) has been answered by participants worldwide. At present, more than 40 proposals from all over the world have been received. Due to that success the deadline for submission has been extended. Proposals for the IAP can be submitted until June 3rd, 2004, 12:00 a.m.. The first draft full version of the IAP will be available soon.
More information abour the IAP: /en/2004/

24 May 2004

1. Conference Programme published
2. Conference transmitted live online
3. Live chat with Margareta Wolf, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal German Environment Ministry

1. Conference Programme published
An updated version of the Conference Programme is now available for download on the conference website. It provides an overview of the contents, times and speakers on all four days of the conference, including details of the side events, exhibitors and related parallel events of other conveners. The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme. The contents will be supplemented and updated by the start of the conference on 1 June. /en/programme/default.asp

2. Conference transmitted live online
Parts of the "renewables 2004" conference can be watched live in German and English on the German government website. The webcasts will take place at the following times:
* Tuesday, June 1, 2004 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central European Time
* Thursday, June 3, 2004 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central European Time
* Friday, June 4, 2004 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central European Time

3. Live chat with Margareta Wolf, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal German Environment Ministry
On Tuesday, May 25, the first of a new series of live chats within the Federal German Government's Dialogue for Sustainable Development will feature Margareta Wolf of the Environment Ministry. She will discuss the topic "The role of renewables energies in the energy supply of the future" with the online community. More information (in German only) is available from:,11722/Margareta-Wolf.htm

14 May 2004

Ministerial meeting on energy adopts a common African position for renewables 2004

Delegations from more than 25 African countries, from regional organisations such as the African Union, the NEPAD Secretariat and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), financial institutions such as the African Development Bank, and other stakeholders met on 8 May 2004 in Nairobi to finalise and adopt the African Statement for Renewables 2004. The Statement reflects the commitement of African energy ministers to the International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004.

A draft of this Statement had been developed earlier at the African ministerial preparatory meeting held in Nairobi on 21 November 2004 together with the �Energy for Africa� meeting hosted by the EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development (EUEI). Based upon this draft, ministers could this time focus their discussions on the most critical aspects. The deliberations mainly revolved around the two great and immediately available renewable energy resource on the African continent: biomass and hydropower.

Accordingly, ministers agree in the statement that biomass use in Africa has to take on more sustaiable forms as the reliance of large parts of the population on this energy resource will remain significant over the coming decades. African governmetns also hope that the Bonn conference will provide an opportunity to send a clear signal to the international community that hydropower is a vast and economically attractive but largely untapped renewable energy source for the continent. African ministers request their development partners to work with with them in designing guidelines for the development of large hydropower projects in a sustainable manner and also to invest in these projects.

Governments represented at the meeting agreed to make renewable energies an integral part of their energy policies. Africa is characterised by acute �energy poverty�. The vast majority of the African population still has to rely on traditional biomass to satisfy its daily energy needs for, for instances, lighting and cooking. Economic development is seriously hampered by the absence of reliable modern energy supply systems. Social services for health and education show serious defficiencies, which are partly caused by the non-availability of energy services. Delegates recognised the potential that renewable energies provide in overcoming these problems.

Download the Africa Statement at

14 May 2004

One-day Side Events at renewables 2004: Science Forum "Research, Development and Education", Day of Geothermal Power, and Day of Biomass

On all four days of renewables 2004, a large number of side events will take place which are related to conference themes and are organised by conference participants on their own responsibility. A number of side events focussing on the same special themes have been combined into one-day side events:

1 June 2004, Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn
Science Forum "Research, Development and Education - The Basis for Wide-spread Employment of Renewable Energies"

Organised by Solar Energy Research Association (FVS)

with side events organised by:

  • Energy Research Centre
    Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development: Role of Research and Academic Institutions
  • Study group DLR, WI, IFEU, ZSW in connection with Federal Ministry of Environment (BMU)
    Germany goes Renewables- a scientific view on visions, strategies and main steps for central European country
  • Institute for Sustainable Solutions and Innovations (ISUSI)
    Scenarios towards an energy system based fully on renwable sources
  • The International Solar Energy Society (ISES)
    Transitioning to a Renewable Energy Future
  • Institut for Ecological Economy Research (I�W), Federal Association for Renewables Energies (BEE), European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF)
    Promotion of Renewables Energies for Heating and Cooling - Innovative Instruments in Industrialised Countries and Initiatives in the EU
  • Consortium of DAAD, University of Flensburg, University of Bonn (ZEF), University of G�ttingen and University of Oldenburg
    Capacity Building in Developing Countries - From University Classroom to the Village

More information:

2 June 2004, Hotel Maritim
Day of Geothermal Power

Organised by UNEP Energy, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), R�dl & Partner, German Geothermal Union (GtV), GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), International Geothermal Association (IGA) and KfW Bankengruppe.

Geothermal energy has an unexplored and unexploited potential for sustainable and reliable energy production in several countries and regions world-wide.

On the 2nd of June the �Day of Geothermal Power� at the Maritim Hotel Godesberger Allee will highlight all aspects of geothermal energy production: resource assessment, technology, project development and financing of geothermal projects. Several countries and regions present their approach to geothermal energy production as well as future commitment and action plans.

More information:

3 June 2004, Wissenschaftszentrum, Bonn
Day of Biomass

With side events organised by Agency for Renewable Ressources (FNR), Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Hessian Ministry of the Environment, Rural Development and Consumer Protection (HMULV), IBBK and FNBB e.V., NoE Bioenergy c/o VTT Processes, ONG POPDEV-Ass. Populations & D�veloppement, Southern African Development Community (SADC), The World Alliance for Decentralised Energy (WADE)/ International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and Interdisciplinary Centre of Sustainable Development University of G�ttingen.

More information:

12 May 2004

Apply now: Interesting excursions around renewables 2004

From 1-4 June 2004 more than 1000 international renewable energy experts will be attending the intergovernmental conference �renewables 2004�. The conference will be accompanied by excursions organised by various federal states (L�nder) of Germany. Please contact the respective organisers via the links listed below for more detailed information.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is offering numerous excursions dealing with renewable energies and energy efficiency accompanying renewables 2004. The excursions, which are related to successful projects and initiatives, are scheduled to take place on 30 and 31 May, and on 4, 5 and 6 June. Conference participants are cordially invited to participate in these events. More:

Renewable Energies in Baden-W�rttemberg

The state of Baden-W�rttemberg invites participants of Renewables 2004 to a 2-day excursion to the ecological and solar region Freiburg in the Black Forest. More:

Bioenergy in the Hesse Region

The main focus of this excursion will be the integrated exhibition of the Technology Park and the display of products developed by the centre for biofuels in Witzenhausen in northern Hesse - showcasing progress in technology and plant-based fuels. More:

Wind Energy in East Frisia, Lower Saxony

East Frisia is the leading German wind energy region. Wind power has impacted our countryside since 1980 and created thousands of local jobs: project development companies, engineering and consulting services, producers and suppliers form a local cluster and network around renewables energies, regional planning and environmental services. More:

11 May 2004

Related events enhance renewables 2004 (part 3)

From 1-4 June 2004 more than 1000 international renewable energy experts will be attending the intergovernmental conference �renewables 2004�. The conference will be accompanied by a number of related events organised by governments, national and international organisations and civil society groups. Please contact the respective organisers listed below for more detailed information.

International Contracting Congress NRW
Contracting, as an accepted national and international alternative means of financing and operating, has done much to promote energy-efficiency technologies and has increased funding for regenerative power generation facilities. Contracting makes it possible to reduce the magnitude of obstacles arising from the planning, construction, financing and operation of production facilities based on renewable energies, and helps to bring projects to swift and effective completion.

Conference in Bonn � Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Enterprises
In international competition the cost for energy moves into focus of enterprises that try for rationalisation. The Energy Agency of Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) holds on 4 June 2004 at 12:00 at the Hilton hotel in Bonn an international conference "Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Enterprises". This event is part of the regional framework program for the governmental conference renewables 2004.

Meeting of Government Representatives and Experts from NRW and India
Workshop for members of the Indian delegation attending the international conference renewables 2004 and representatives from the fields of politics, business and science in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Youth conference �Youth energy Summit� (YES 2004)
�When, if not now! Who, if not us!� That's the motto of the YES2004, which will take place from May 28th to 30th in Bonn. The conference is being organised by the Jugendb�ndnis Zukunftsenergie (youth alliance for future energy) that was initiated by the BUNDjugend. The YES2004 aims at everyone interested in sustainable development between the age of 16 and 27, whether from Germany or from abroad. Renowned experts from politics, economy and NGOs will offer workshops and discussion forums as well as practical experience with renewable forms of energy. The participants will develop their own declaration concerning the energy change, which will then be handed over to a governmental representantive at the renewables2004. Further information:

10 May 2004

Conference Programme and Issues Firming Up
First version of Conference Programme now available

The conveners of the International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004, have issued a preliminary version of the Conference Programme. This version, now available for downloading at the conference website, provides an initial overview of the contents, times and speakers on all four days of the conference, including details of the side events, exhibitors and parallel, related events of other conveners. The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme.

The contents will be supplemented and updated up to the start of the conference on 1 June. The final version is scheduled to appear at the end of May.

6 May 2004

1. Conference Issue Paper available for downloading
2. African Ministerial Meeting on sustainable Energy Development starting on 7 May, 2004

1. Conference Issue Paper available for downloading

The final version of the Conference Issue Paper, which is the main substantive preparatory document for renewables 2004, is now available. Its role is to develop the key issues before the conference starts (1-4 June), and to help participants familiarise themselves with the scope and the background of the event. Responses to the issues will be developed throughout the conference, and recorded in the documented outcomes.

2. African Ministerial Meeting on sustainable Energy Development starting on 7 May, 2004

From 7-8 May 2004 the African Ministerial Meting on sustainable Energy Development takes place in Nairobi. It is organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union in responses to a request made by African ministers during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in September 2002 and the EU-Energy Initiative meeting in November 2003. One of the expected outputs is an African Statement on renewable energies that shall be adopted as an input to the Bonn conference, renewables 2004.

6 May 2004

Stakeholder Forum has issued the fourth renewables 2004 Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue newsletter

At the International Conference for Renewable Energies, the multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) is the principal means of integrated stakeholder participation. Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future carries out the overall preparation and coordination of the MSD. 150 stakeholder have recently been accredited as delegates to the conference. They will dialogue with the representatives of governments and international organisations during the multi-stakeholder dialogue on the first day of the conference. The stakeholder delegates can also participate and contribute to other opportunities of renewables. For more information on that, go to the newsletter:

For gathering information and views on stakeholder acitivities in renewable energy and their aspirations for the conference, Stakeholder Forum has now posted an online survey. The information will be used to produce a snapshot of stakeholder views in the form of rich qualitative and quantitative data. Have your say at:

5 May 2004

Related events enhance renewables 2004 (part 2)

From 1-4 June 2004 more than 1000 international renewable energy experts will be attending the intergovernmental conference "renewables 2004". The conference will be accompanied by a number of related events organised by governments, national and international organisations and civil society groups. Please contact the respective organisers listed below for more detailed information.

Municipal Leaders Conference
On 31 Mai an international community stakeholder forum will be held to which primarily mayors and /or local decision-makers from around the world are invited. In the forefront of this high-policy component will be awareness-raising at the community action level with regard to renewable energies and energy efficiency models. Local Renewables 2004 will be convened by the Service Agency Communities in One World / InWent gGmbH in cooperation with Agenda-Transfer/ Nationwide Service Department Local Agenda 21. For more information please visit

Regional pre-programme: programme series 'renewable and efficient' North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and the city of Bonn are respectively the host state and city for renewables 2004. The Center for International Cooperation (CIC) Bonn GmbH has prepared a series of programmes under the heading 'erneuerbar und effizient - renewable and efficient'. It is supported by the NRW Energy Agency and the NRW State Initiative on Future Energies. For more information, see  (German only)

"With Energy for Sustainable Development"
The president of the Federal Republic of Germany will host the "Environment Week 2004 - With Energy for Sustainable Development" in the park of the Villa Hammerschmidt in cooperation with the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) and the North-Rhine Westphalian Foundation for Environment and Development. The event includes four forums composed of outstanding experts and an interactive exposition which will be developed by the DBU in cooperation with the German Energy Agency (dena). For more information, see  (German only)

4 May 2004

Related events enhance renewables 2004 (part 1)

From 1-4 June 2004 more than 1000 international renewable energy experts will be attending the intergovernmental conference �renewables 2004�. The conference will be accompanied by a number of related events organised by governments, national and international organisations and civil society groups. Please contact the respective organisers listed below for more detailed information.

International Parliamentary Forum
The German Bundestag has decided to hold a Parliamentary Forum on the occasion of the International Conference for Renewable Energies. Some 400 parliamentarians from around the world are expected to meet in Bonn on 2 June. 

Sustainable Energy Finance Event
The Sustainable Energy Finance event �Creating the climate for change� will be held in Bonn on 1 and 2 June 2004. Organised by UNEP Energy, UNEP Finance Initiative, and BASE (Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy), the event will bring together international financiers and project developers to discuss finance-related issues in the sustainable energy sector that are relevant for both developing and industrialised regions. 

Second World Renewable Energy Forum
The World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) will host a three-day forum entitled �Renewing Civilisation with Renewable Energ� from 29 to 31 May 2004 at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. The forum will focus on the World Renewable Energy Agenda, which aims to replace fossil and atomic energy fully by renewables. 

Business Forum Renewables
In addition to �renewables 2004�, the Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH and the German Energy Agency (dena) are inviting participation in the parallel but separate �Business Forum Renewables�. This forum will offer exhibition stands; conference rooms, an information point and catering facilities.
Download information and the booking form, or contact:
mailto:[email protected]  or
mailto:[email protected].

23 April 2004

1. Preliminary Conference Programme now available

2. Side event and exhibition organisers selected

1. The preliminary conference programme is now available on the conference website. The programme gives an overview of the four conference days:

1 June: Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue
2 June: Presentations: Opportunities for Renewables - Best Practices and Success Stories
3 June: Ministerial Segment: Keynote Statements and Ministerial Working Groups
4 June: Ministerial Panels: Adoption of Conference Outcomes and Closing Session

For a preview, please go to

2. Side event and exhibition organisers
The conveners have selected the organisers of the side events and the exhibition that are running parallel to the conference. For more information on these persons please visit the conference website:

15 April 2004

More than 20 countries of the Middle East and North Africa Region
preparing for renewables 2004

The Government of Yemen invites all decision-makers from the region to
the Middle East and North Africa Renewable Energy Conference taking
place from 21-22 April 2004 in Sana'a, Yemen. This meeting will act as
one of the regional preparatory meetings for renewables 2004.
Participants are expected to discuss all relevant renewable energy
issues, amongst them regional cooperation in policy making, technology
transfer, research, development, commercialisation capacity, market
awareness, and appropriate capital investments to foster the capacity
to master the full range of RE applications. They are expected to
agree upon common efforts to promote RE in the Region (joint
declaration) in order to raise the concerns of the MENA region at
renewables 2004 in Bonn. A joint side event for the Bonn conference
will be prepared. Federal Environment Minister Juergen Trittin will
head the German delegation that includes representatives from German
industry and NGOs.

See more detailed information about the Yemen conference at

More about the regional preparatory meetings of renewables 2004 and
their outcomes and declarations at:

5 April 2004

1. Broad international support for International Conference for Renewable Energies

2. Apply now: "Business Forum Renewables" at renewables 2004

1. Broad international support for International Conference for Renewable Energies

The last meeting of the International Steering Committee before the Bonn conference confirms expected conference outcomes. Eight weeks before the Bonn conference, the proposals of the expected outcomes presented by the conveners of renewables 2004 have gained broad support from the International Steering Committee which met for the last time last Friday at Reinhartshausen castle in Eltville near Frankfurt. The Committee believes that the implementation of conference results should be safeguarded by means of a follow-up process. The approximately 50 members of the International Steering Committee - representatives of governments and international and non-governmental organisations - therefore support the objectives of the German Federal Government.
Read the press release at

2. Business Forum Renewables

In addition to renewables 2004, the Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH and the German Energy Agency (dena) offer participation in the accompanying but separate �Business Forum Renewables�. It is located in walking distance to the conference premises. It will host exhibition stands; conference rooms, information point and catering facilities. Companies wishing to engage and invest in the Business Forum can book exhibition stands (inside and outside the tent building), conference rooms, entrance tickets immediately.

Download more detailed information and booking form at

30 March 2004

  1. Asian preparatory meeting agrees on Bangkok Statement
  2. Deadline: Application period for stakeholder participation terminates tomorrow
  3. International Steering Committe meets in Eltville/Rhine

1. The regional preparatory meeting for renewables 2004 of the Asia-Pacific region was held in Bangkok from March 25-26. The participants agreed on, inter alia:

"... with strong government leadership, foster the creation of markets for renewable energy that

  • i) provide long-term regulatory and price stability,
  • ii) provide incentives for renewables (through mechanisms such as feed-in tariffs, renewable portfolio standards, etc.) recognizing the social and environmental benefits,
  • iii) reduce transaction costs associated with project preparation, permitting, etc.,
  • iv) encourage cost reduction, reparability and sustainability through increased local manufacturing and local management (...)".

The complete statement is available for download:

2. The application period for stakeholder participation in renewables 2004 terminates tomorrow, 31 March 2004. Stakeholder organisations, non-governmental institutions and private companies can propose representatives for accreditation using the application form:

3. The International Steering Committee of renewables 2004 will meet for the third and last time in Eltville/Rhine from March 31 to April 2, 2004. The meeting will focus on the three expected outcomes of the conference:

  • A political declaration;
  • An international action plan;
  • Recommendations for good policy.

The members of the NAC will discuss the contents and formats of the outcomes to be presented at the conference in June 2004.

The expected outcomes of renewables 2004:

More information on the ISC:

ISC members:

24 March 2004

Vehicle fleet for renewables 2004 conference fuelled by renewable energies
Federal Environment Ministry to accept bit of consortium headed by avacon AG

An international consortium, headed by avacon AG, has won the tender "mobility provider renewables 2004" which the Federal Environment Ministry had advertised on the Internet. The consortium has offered to provide 40 vehicles fuelled with biogas. Federal Environment Minister J�rgen Trittin: "We want to show that renewables can also be used in the transport sector. Climate friendly transport will be experienced at first hand."

The "mobility provider renewables2004" will showcase technological and organisational concepts which are already workable for the particularly sensitive energy consumption sector. This will strengthen the role of renewable energies in the transport sector while at the same time meeting stringent environmental requirements.

More information (German only) at:

22 March 2004

  1. Second Announcement of renewables 2004 available
  2. J�rgen Trittin and Klaus T�pfer to participate in the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific on Renewable Energies 2004

1. The conference conveners have issued the Second Announcement for renewables 2004. The Second Announcement gives an overview of the conference themes, expected outcomes, conference structure and status of the preparations.

It can be downloaded at (pdf, 1,7 MB)

2. The Royal Thai Government will host the Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific on Renewable Energies 2004 in cooperation with the Federal German Government, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). It will take place in Bangkok from 24 to 26 March. The conference will provide regional perspectives on the promotion of renewable energy and discuss expectations with regard to and possible outcomes of renewables 2004. The meeting will also help raise awareness of renewable energy within the region.

The German Federal Environment Minister, J�rgen Trittin, and the UNEP Executive Director, Klaus T�pfer, will participate in the conference.

See the conference programme at:

15 March 2004

  1. BMZ�s State Secretary Stather hosts the last meeting of the National Advisory Committee
  2. Latest information on renewables 2004: download the new flyer

1. The State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Erich Stather, will host the last meeting of the renewables 2004 National Advisory Committee (NAC).

The NAC will meet in Berlin on Wednesday, 17 March 2004. The meeting will focus on the three expected outcomes of the conference:

  • A political declaration;
  • An international action plan;
  • Recommendations on good policy.

The members of the NAC will discuss the contents and formats of the outcomes to be presented at the conference in June 2004.

The expected outcomes of renewables 2004:

More informatoin on the NAC:

Members of the NAC:

2. The conveners have issued a flyer giving the latest conference news and information. It can be downloaded at

12 March 2004

  1. Last call for submission of applications for events and exhibitions
  2. Do you need advice? The International Advisory Group of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue is now up and running.
  3. Let us hear your views � join the online discussion on the Conference Issue Paper

1. Only 4 more days: Conference participants are invited to organise a side event or to contribute to one of the exhibitions related to the conference themes which will be on show at the conference venue. If you are interested in participating in one of the exhibitions, please submit your application by 15 March 2004. Send now!



2. An International Advisory Group (IAG) has been appointed for the outreach to different civil society groups. The IAG members serve as focal points for the MSD preparations of the respective stakeholder groups. The members were chosen to reflect the various areas of interest, expertise, and experience of the different stakeholders. Care was also taken during the selection process to establish an appropriate gender and geographical balance. The IAG will propose the MSD themes and coordinate inputs from their constituency base. Visit the webpage below to find out more about the IAG members.


For enquiries about or advice on the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue please contact the IAG via the Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future:

mailto:[email protected]

3. The draft of the Conference Issue Paper (CIP) was recently posted on the Internet. The online forum provides an opportunity to exchange views about the issues raised in the CIP. Some of the points are of course controversial, and we hope to see a lively discussion.

Members of the general public are invited to contribute.

At /en/cd/forum.asp, you can express your ideas and submit comments. These will serve as inputs for the Conference Issue Paper and the thematic preparation process. The first interesting contributions have already been submitted.

03 March 2004

renewables 2004: Organisers Seek Active Participation
On-line discussion about to start - Suggestions for International Action Plan

Public involvement wanted: In the preparation of issues to be addressed at the International Conference for Renewable Energies, renewables 2004, as of today the general public are also being invited to contribute suggestions and proposals. At cd/forum.asp, concerned persons can express their ideas and comments for drawing up the Conference Issue Paper.

12 February 2004

Application process for Stakeholder Participation has started

Application for Stakeholder Participation. The conference conveners encourage the active participation of civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders in the conference, within the limits of available capacities. The application is now possible at: participation/application-stakeholder.asp.

Stakeholder organisations, non-governmental institutions and private companies can propose representatives for accreditation using this application form. The deadline for proposals is 31 March 2004.

Accreditation of participants from civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders will follow consultation with the International Advisory Group of the multi-stakeholder dialogue (

As a rule, participants from the stakeholder community will be accredited as observers. A limited number of participants from the stakeholder community will be accredited by the conveners as delegates.

Please note: In order for your application to be considered, it must bear your organisation's stamp as verification.

The Conference Secretariat will inform all accredited participants by 15 April 2004.

09 February 2004

Call for actions and Commitments

Call for Actions and Commitments. renewables 2004 aims i.a. at an international action plan in which various governments and actors propose concrete actions and voluntary commitments/goals for developing renewable energies. Therefor the conference conveners have issued a call for actions and commitments with information on the arrangements for contributing to the international action plan. This call for actions and commitments invites governments, international organisations and other actors (e.g. civil society groups, business and finance) to contribute to the International Action Plan by proposing actions and commitments that will help to substantially increase the use of renewable energies.

Please refer to the document posted on our website for guidance on the procedural steps and the application form.

04 February 2004

  1. Delhi Sustainable Development Summit begins
  2. Meeting on Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Development at Islamabad
  3. Minutes of 2nd meeting of ISC and NAC are available

1. The Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (4�7 February 2004) is holding a special workshop for the region with the view to preparing for renewables 2004.

As every year, the 2004 edition of DSDS will feature contributions by enlightened leaders and thinkers of the world, representing a wide range of constituencies: government, business and industry, NGOs, scientific community, media, bilateral and multilateral community, and diplomatic corps. The speakers will be joined by over 400 delegates, adding value to the discussions and the final outcome of the summit.

2. The meeting on Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Development at Islamabad, Pakistan (10-11 February 2004) will review the role of renewable energy in the overall context of sustainable development. This will include discussion on current and future technologies in renewable energy production and distribution. The meeting shall examine issues involved in the development of renewable energies for the Third World, which are secure, sustainable, accessible and economically viable. In addition, the forum will deliberate on appropriate and effective strategies with emphasis on facilitating implementation and dissemination.

The meeting will be held in the light of renewables 2004.

3. The International Steering Committee and the National Advisory Committee of renewables 2004 met in Berlin in December 2003. The minutes of the meetings are now available for download.
ISC: preparation/sc_second.asp
NAC: preparation/nc.asp

21 January 2004

European preparatory conference in Berlin issues a strong statement for increasing the share of renewable energy

A target value for renewable energies of at least 20% of gross inland energy consumption by 2020 for the EU is achievable. This is one of the key conclusions of the European Conference for Renewable Energy - Intelligent Policy Options. Within the last two days, the conference analysed the situation for renewable energies in Europe, and evaluated the experiences made including the impact of the political measures implemented to date at Community, national and local level, which aim at increasing the share of renewable energies. More than 650 participants from 45 countries gathered in Berlin.

The conference recommendations are acting as input for renewables 2004 to be held in Bonn in June 2004 on the invitation of the Federal German government. On behalf of the conveners, the Federal Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul and Federal Environment Minister Juergen Trittin welcomed the recommendations as a clear signal for substantially increasing the proportion of renewable energies worldwide.

Press releases (in german) of the two Federal Ministries at

Conclusions of the European Conference for Renewable Energy at

For more information on the European Conference visit

16 January 2004

  1. Starting on Monday, 19 January: European Conference for Renewable Energy
  2. Now available for download: Thematic background papers to renewables 2004

1. European Conference for Renewable Energy: 'Intelligent Policy Options'

19-21 January 2004 Berlin, Germany and on the Internet

Working towards the World Renewable Energy Conference in June 2004 in Bonn, the conference will tackle renewable energy strategies for Europe in a larger sense encompassing the Union, its Accession and Candidate Countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the Western Balkans, and is part of the Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition roadmap of regional initiatives. The conclusions of the debate will be delivered, together with those from regional conferences in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

For more information on the European Conference visit

2. The first thematic background papers are now available for download.

Four of 12 thematic background papers written for renewables 2004 are now available:

  • Rationale,
  • National policy instruments,
  • Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation, and
  • Research and Development.

The thematic background papers have been prepared by outstanding international experts. Download at cd/default.asp

19 December 2003

  1. Second meeting of the International Steering Committee, Berlin, 15-16 December 2003
  2. Mohamed T. El-Ashry, former CEO of GEF, acts as Conference Facilitator for renewables 2004
  3. Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue: Preparatory process has started
  4. New deadline for applications for side events and exhibitions during the conference

1. The International Steering Committee met in Berlin on 15 and 16 December 2003. Some 50 representatives of governments and international and non-governmental organisations discussed the thematic focus of the conference. The members are backing the ideas put forward by the German government for the key thematic areas and the desired outcomes of renewables 2004, including an action plan for the global expansion of renewable energies.

2. Mohamed T. El-Ashry, former General Director and Chairman of the Board of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), will act as Conference Facilitator for renewables 2004. He was welcomed by the German Development Minister Wieczorek-Zeul during the second meeting of the International steering Committee. At the conference, Mr El-Ashry will support the session moderators in their work. "Only by using renewable energy much more extensively than in the past - and using energy generally a lot more efficiently - can we avoid running out of steam in the future," admonished the minister.

3. At the International Conference for Renewable Energies, the multi-stakeholder dialogue is the principal means of integrated stakeholder participation. The preparatory process just started.

4. Applications for side events and exhibitions may now be submitted until 15 March 2004. The deadlines for these means of participation in the conference were extended.

28 October 2003

  1. Regional preparatory meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in Brazil to start tomorrow
  2. Thematic preparation of the conference: Work on background papers has started
  3. Message from Africa to Bonn is expected from regional preparatory meeting in Nairobi
  4. Now available: Application for Exhibitions during the conference

1. The regional preparatory meeting for LAC for the International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004, will start tomorrow in Brazil. One of the key objectives of the meeting is to fomulate the expectations for the Bonn conference from a regional perspective. The German delegation, representing the conveners of renewables 2004, is headed by the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, J�rgen Trittin. For more information on the meeting please visit

2. The conference will address themes of significant political, economical and technological complexity. In order to prepare the ground for fruitful and result-oriented discussions in Bonn the conveners provide a set of conference documents, starting with the thematic background papers. These papers describe the broad range of subjects concerning the promotion of renewable energies and lead the conference participants to recent developments in the international political and professional debate. The thematic background papers will be prepared by outstanding international experts and will reflect the authors� views and opinions. The tentative titles and objectives of the papers are listed on our web site:

3. The Africa regional preparatory meeting for renewables 2004 will be held as a "special session" of the conference "Energy for Africa" (20-21 November 2003, UN Gigiri Conference Centre, Nairobi). The preparatory meeting will be jointly hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Germany. The "Energy for Africa" conference is a dialogue between the European Union and African partners and stakeholders to take forward the EU Energy Initiative for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development (euei). For more information on the EU Energy Initiative go to

4. Conference participants are invited to contribute to an exhibition related to the conference themes to be held in the lobby and garden of the conference venue. The application process has just started. Application forms are available on the website:

22 August 2003

Dear members of the mailinglist renewables 2004,

Several preparatory meetings in various regions of the world are under preparation, to be hosted by governments or regional organisations. In addition, the Danish Government is convening a preparatory conference on renewable energies in Sonderborg from 17-19 September 2003. For further information please visit the conference website: 

Wanting to get a short overview about the conference? We are happy to provide a two-sided description of the actual state of affairs. Ready for download at the conference website: /

Conference logo now available as an eps-file. Please notice the "Guidelines for Using the renewables 2004 Logo": press/logo.asp


25 July 2003

Dear members of the mailinglist renewables2004,

if you wish to remove your address from this list please refer to the information at the bottom of this mail.

First meetings of the conference advisory committees: Minutes now available

The International Steering Committee (ISC) met for the first time in Bonn on June 11th and 12th , 2003. The minutes of the meeting are available at

The National Advisory Committee (NAC) met for the first time in Berlin on May 26th, 2003. The minutes of the meeting are available at

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