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Logo: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004 Head: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004

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Preparatory Documents

The main preparatory document for renewables 2004 was the Conference Issue Paper. Its role was to develop the key issues before the conference started, and to help conference participants identify the scope and the background of the conference. Responses to the issues were developed through the conference and captured in the documented outcomes.
The Conference Issue Paper, which was handed out to each participant at the outset of the conference, draws on the results of the regional preparatory meetings as well as on the advice of the International Steering Committee and further public consultation.

    Conference Issue Paper -
Download as pdf file (330 kB)

The Conference Issue Paper pulls together the main issues, findings and views derived from, among others, the Thematic Background Papers. Twelve themes have been selected by the conveners. These papers describe a broad range of topics concerning the promotion of renewable energies and acquainted the conference participants with recent developments in the international political and professional debate. The thematic background papers were prepared by outstanding international experts and reflect the authors' views and opinions. They have been published under the authors' names.
1. Rationale for renewable energies: Making the case for renewable energies
TBP01.pdf (1097 KB)

2. Targets: The rationale for targets

3. National policy instruments: Learning from variety - time to concentrate on success
TBP03.pdf (959 KB)

4. Level playing field: Levelling the playing field for renewable energies
TBP04-LevelField.pdf (671 KB)

5. Financing renewable energies: Mobilising finance for renewable energies
TBP05.pdf (1200 KB)

6. Clean development mechanism and joint implementation: New instruments for financing renewable energy technologies
TBP06.pdf (729 KB)

7. Research and development: R&D - challenges for sustainable development
TBP07.pdf (561 KB)

8. Capacity development: Developing capacity for renewable energy
TBP08-capacity.pdf (582 KB)

9. International institutional arrangements: Bundling the forces - but how?
TBP09.pdf (475 KB)

10. Potentials and demands: Opening up the potentials and promoting new applications
TBP10.pdf (980 KB)

11. Traditional use of biomass: Biomass - the big energy potential and the challenge of sustainable use
TBP11.pdf (1507 KB)

12. Gender: Gender equity and renewable energies
TBP12.pdf (800 KB)