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Logo: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004 Head: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004

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Conference Programme
An updated version of the Programme of the International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004, is now available for downloading (as of 21 May). It provides an overview of the contents, times and speakers on all four days of the conference, including details of the side events, exhibitors and parallel, related events of other conveners. The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme.

The contents will be supplemented and updated up to the start of the conference on 1 June.

       Conference Programme -
    conference_programme.pdf (1 MB)

renewables 2004 is an intergovernmental conference with stakeholder participation. The conference will be augmented by several side events and an exhibition at the conference venue or nearby.

    Klick on the image to get a larger view.

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue
The multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) is the principal means of integrated stakeholder participation in the conference. It will be chaired by the two German ministers representing the German government as host of the conference. The MSD is convened as a plenary meeting with two sessions and will bring together the statements and commitments of different stakeholder groups and their demands on governments.

Presentation of Initiatives and "Success Stories"
On the second day of the conference, successful examples of renewable energy initiatives, policies, projects and case studies will be presented and discussed by conference participants. The selection of these "best practices" will be made by the conveners; they will ensure a balanced representation of regions and institutions.

Ministerial Segment
There will be two days of minister attendance (3 � 4 June). The ministerial segment will be opened by German Chancellor Gerhard Schr�der and other outstanding keynote speakers. It will bring together statements from governments playing key roles in fostering renewable energies and the reports and commitments of the different segments of the conference. For instance, stakeholders will be given the opportunity to present the results of the multi-stakeholder dialogue. Ministers and other delegates will discuss the proposed conference outcomes. The ministerial working groups, broken down into thematic panels, offer an interactive discussion, focusing on solutions. They are open to ministers and other delegates.

Side Events
On all four days of the conference, a large number of side events will take place which are related to conference themes and are organised by conference participants on their own responsibility. The application process ends in mid-March.

Conference Exhibition
Some 600 square meters at the conference venue, the International Congress Centre (Internationales Kongresszentrum Bundeshaus Bonn, IKBB), have been made available for an exhibition to accompany the conference. The application process ends in mid-March.