Regional preparatory meetings took place to enable interested parties from
countries and regions around the world to present their expectations for the
conference and to discuss the subjects of their choice and the outcomes they are
seeking. These meetings also allowed countries and regions to discuss their
potential contributions to the conference, as well as providing an opportunity
to raise global awareness of renewables 2004. The meetings were convened and
organised by each host country under its responsibility, so that ownership of
these meetings and their results lay with the regions themselves.
The following meetings took place:
In addition, the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (4�7 February 2004)
dedicated a special workshop for the region to the preparation of renewables 2004 (
Report on the summit:
The Danish government convened a preparatory conference of the Johannesburg
Renewable Energy Coalition (JREC) in S�nderborg from 17�19 September 2003. The
conference conclusions are at
The status of the Conference preparations were reported at numerous high level meetings,
e.g. the UNIDO climate change meetings for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in
Vienna (27-31 October 2003), the 9th Conference of the Parties of the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change in Milan (1-12 December 2003) and the
12th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-12) in New York
(14-30 April 2004).
Additionally, a number of international events concerning renewable
energies took place, e.g. the fourth Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE-4) which was devoted to
�Energy for Sustainable Development:
Reconsidering the Role of Incentive Measures�. It was inline with the
preparatory process for the International Conference for Renewable Energies
and took place in Vienna, Austria, on 18�20 February 2004 (