2 June
Deutsche Welle, Gremiensaal
12:30 h -
14:00 h
Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GTZ) and Deutsches Institut f�r Entwicklungspolitik (DIE):
The Renewable Energy Reality Check: Chances, Limits and Impacts on Poverty Alleviation and Climate Protection
What realistic contribution can be expected of renewable energy technologies (RETs) to the alleviation of poverty in developing countries? For rural electrification, Solar Home Systems are considered to be the least cost option in many cases. But do they (and other RETs) really contribute to rural development? Can the availability of RETs overcome the power gap of potential rural businesses? Should developing countries contribute to protect the climate by promoting RETs? Do RETs really offer an attractive local energy resource for DCs? How important is the dissemination of RETs in developing countries in the global struggle to protect the climate?
The panel will represent three different views of this issue:
- Hon. Syda Bbumba (Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda)
- Christopher Flavin (President of Worldwatch Institute)
- Cornelia Richter (Director General Planning and Development Department, GTZ, Germany)
The discussion will be moderated by David Hales (Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future).