Members of the
Conference Secretariat
Photo: Gloger/JOKER |
On behalf of the
conveners, the Conference Secretariat was provided by the
Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH.
The Secretariat supported the International Steering Committee, the National
Advisory Committee and the Organising Committee in all
matters related to the preparation and implementation of the
Secretariat of the International Conference for Renewable
Energies, Bonn 2004
Postfach 5180
65726 Eschborn
Please use our contact form.
Members of the Conference Secretariat:
Franz-Josef Batz
Mr Dirk A�mann
Ms Ute Baumg�rtel
Ms Juliane Dame
Mike Enskat
Ms Karin Fiedler
Ms Marion Frank
Mr Erich Geis
Ms Frauke Goldmann
Ms Katrin Gothmann
Ms Miriam Greiten
Ms Angela Helfer
Tilman C. Herberg
Ms Claudia Herrmann
Mr Michael Kn�berlein
Mr Ulrich Laumanns
Mr Jorge Malaver
Ms Claudia Menke
Ms Frederike M�llers
Ms Anja M�ller-K�stner
Ms Claudia Mu�oz
Ms Helen Ochieng
Ms Ute Peters
Mr Carsten Radke
Ms Diane Roeschen
Mr Heinrich Schneider
Mr Jan Schwaab
Sabine Tonscheidt
Ms Susann Tschursch
Dieter Uh
Mr Tilo Weisser
Angelika Wilcke
Mr Sven Wojak