2 June
Tulpenfeld 6, InWEnt, Spiegelsaal
12:30 h -
14:00 h
Wuppertal Institute, Germany, and Centre for Environment and Energy Research and Studies (CEERS), Iran:
Towards a Sustainable Energy System: Integrating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is the Key
The Workshop will be organised by the Wuppertal Institute (Germany) and the CEERS (Iran) in co-operation with GTZ, Gesellschaft f�r Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH (German Technical Cooperation) and KfW Bankengruppe. The main objective of the Side Event is to highlight the necessity of integrating renewable energy and energy efficiency for achieving a sustainable energy system. Key messages will be: (1) There is an enormous untapped potential for cost-effective energy efficiency on the demand side but also the supply side. This potential should be used with priority both in industrialised and developing countries. (2) An increasing share of renewable energies, particularly new renewable energies, is also paramount for reducing the environmental pressure on the planet, for improving security of energy supply, and for providing sustainable energy services. (3) However, only if energy efficiency and renewable energies are combined, countries will be able to achieve a sustainable energy system. Integrating energy efficiency and renewable energies to meet the needs for energy services and to respect the natural boundaries in urban and rural areas will enable a reliable and economic energy supply, while creating local employment. If energy consumption is reduced through vigorous energy efficiency, a higher share of this reduced demand can be met with renewable energies at the same or lower total cost for energy services than with a business as usual development of the energy system. At the same time, only energy efficiency and renewable energies combined will be able to achieve the necessary worldwide reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 50 % until 2050.
The Side event will be presenting a new Policy Paper on this subject, along with case studies from the work of GTZ and KFW. The event will be rounded off by a panel discussion on the issue, with ministers for environment from Germany and developing countries and high-level representatives of Wuppertal Institute, CEERS, GTZ and KfW.