3 June
Presse- und Informationsamt, Pressesaal
12:00 h -
14:00 h
Renewable Energies Development Center, Morocco:
Partnership Practices for Renewable Energies Market Development: Experiences and Prospects
The availability of renewable energy resources in Morocco, the interest attached by in their deployment in the development programs by the public authorities and the emergence of a increasingly well know national local know-how represent the main drivers that could permit a strategic mobilisation of these resources in the global national energy supply.
Important development programs are being undertaken:
� Decentralized rural electrification using renewable solutions to electrify 200,000 rural households by the year 2007 in the framework of the national program (PERG)
� Electricity production by the installation of wind parks (54 MW is operational and 600 MW is being prepared)
� Installation of 400 000 m2 of solar water heaters in the framework of the Moroccan Program for the Promotion of the Solar Thermal Market (PROMASOL)
� The deployment of new and close energy services for the generalisation of energy access in rural areas by providing some 500 �energy enterprises� in the framework of the national program �Maison de l�Energie�
� The program of capacity building lead by CDER and other professionals that aims at setting norms and standards in terms of equipment certification and laboratories tests, industrial promotion, training and technician qualification.
These programs are supported by innovative partnerships at the national and international levels permitting this way to an additional knowledge contribution and to important financial tools for the promotion of the renewable energy market in Morocco. The building and consolidation of these programs and partnerships will offer real business opportunities and investment that will permit renewable energies to have a larger contribution to sustainable development efforts not just at the national level but at the regional level as well.
Objectives of the side event :
� Present and discuss the different approaches of partnerships implemented up to now in order to develop renewable energies in Morocco (technical and institutional capacity building, financial partnership�)
� Present and discuss the possibilities and opportunities in order to consolidate and diversify other potential partnerships in support of efforts of the public authorities and national operators for the promotion of renewable energies.
� Present and discuss the possibilities and the opportunities for multilateral partnerships aiming at supporting the developing renewable energy market in the region (Mediterranean region, north Africa, sub-Saharan Africa�)