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Logo: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004 Head: International Conference for Renewable Energies, Bonn 2004

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One-day Side Events
3 June 2004
Wissenschafts- zentrum
10:30 - 18:30 h


"Day of Biomass"
Supported by the Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL) and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNVL)

With side events organised by Ministry of the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNLV), Agency for Renewable Ressources (FNR), Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Hessian Ministry of the Environment, Rural Development and Consumer Protection (HMULV), IBBK and FNBB e.V., ONG POPDEV-Ass. Populations & D�veloppement, Southern African Development Community (SADC), The World Alliance for Decentralised Energy (WADE)/ International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and Interdisciplinary Centre of Sustainable Development University of G�ttingen, Germany

Information & Programme, Information on side events

10:30 h Opening
B�rbel H�hn, Minister of MUNLV, NRW
10:40 h Key-note Speech
Bioenergy in Germany: The Concept of the Federal Government
Sts. Alexander M�ller, Secretary of State, BMVEL
11:00 h Session 1 Science
Chair : Prof. Ruppert, Univ. Goettingen

Recycling Crops and Waste to Energy Biogas Production from Agricultural Feedstock and Energy Crops
Michael K�ttner, IBBK

How to Make Sanitation and Waste Treatment Sustainable and Ecological?
Heinz-Peter Mang, FNBB

Bagasse Congeneration � Introduction to Concepts, Benefits and Project Case-Studies
Michael Brown, WADE

Global Potential Achieving the Potential � Energy Market Regulatory Challenges.
Rian van Staden, ISES

Introductory Remarks on the Hessian Strategy on Bio-Energy
Dr. Anna Runzheimer, HMULV

Research, Development and Introduction for New Synthetic Biomass-Fuels in Germany
Dr. Wolfgang Steiger, Volkswagen AG

Cultivation of Energy Plants and Biomass for Energetic Use - State of Research and Development
Prof. Dr. Konrad Scheffler, University Kassel

Vocational Education and Qualifications � A Prerequisite for a Successful Implementation Strategy for the Energetic Use of Biomass in Rural Areas
Konrad Kutt, Federal Institute for Vocational Training

Opportunities for the Energetic Use of Biomass in Bulgaria
Kristian Milenov, ASDE � ECO Regions Bulgaria
14:15 h Session 2: Policy
Chair: Dr. J�rgen Ohlhoff, BMVEL

Rural Energization through Bio Energy
Dr. Gustavo Best, FAO

Biomass Energy for a Sustainable Development in Rural Areas � New Perspectives for Rural Areas, Agricultural and Forestry � A Strategy for Implementation
Wilhelm Dietzel, Minister of HMULV

Wood Pellets Promotion Campaign
B�rbel H�hn, Minister MUNLV, NRW
15:15 h Panel discussion
Overcoming Barriers for the Use of Biomass Energy
Chair: Wolfgang Schmitt, GTZ

Dr. Jaques Diouf, General Director, FAO
B�rbel H�hn, Minister MUNLV, NRW
Wilhelm Dietzel, Minister of HMULV
Freddie Motlhatlhedi, SADC
Michael Brown, WADE
16:00 h Session 3: Implementation Part A
Chair: Dr. Steffen daebeler, FNR

The Bioenergy Village � Ecological, Economical and Social Aspects: Impetus and Scientific Approach
Prof. Hans Ruppert, University G�ttingen

Technical, Ecological and Economical Aspects
Dr. Ing. Marianne Karpenstein-Machan, University G�ttingen

Motivation, Participation and Realisation
Eckhard Fangmeier, Co-operative Bioenergy Juehnde GbR

International Framework for Bioenergy Action
Dr. Gustavo Best, FAO
Ingmar J�rgens, FAO
Andre Faaij, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Jeremy Woods, Imperial College, London, U.K.
16:00 h Session 3: Implementation Part B
Chair: N.N.

Get Biomass Fit for the Future
Freddie Motlhatlhedi, SADC

Program Research � Action on Mechanism of Financing Biogas: The Program of Biogas / Mauritania
Aguibou Niang El Ghassem / Hamet Mamadou Ba, POP DEV Mauretania
18:00 h Closing Statement
Hama Arba Diallo, Executive Secretary UNCCD

